Sanford, FL (PRWEB) April 30, 2013
As lenders and regulatory agencies place increased importance on the security of the closing process, title companies are seeking new solutions to secure their files and the non-public personal information they contain.
In recent years, the title and real estate industries have made significant advancements in moving to an electronic, paperless closing process. Although pre closing processes are increasingly handled electronically, most buyers and borrowers still leave closing with a stack of papers containing their most sensitive personal and financial information. Title agencies also often only maintain paper versions of closing files, potentially exposing this critical information to destruction, theft, or unauthorized access.
With this partnership, YourDox and GreenFolders bring to market a solution that bridges this gap. Title and escrow companies are now able to automatically deliver secure, electronic versions of closing documents to their clients. Complete versions of the files are also securely stored long term to the benefit of all parties in the closing process. Additionally, the YourDox platform provides homeowners with ongoing document storage, building a long term relationship between the consumer, the title agent, and the real estate team.
GreenFolders is committed to improving the closing process by eliminating the use of paper. Through our partnership with Pioneer Technologies we are further advancing this commitment stated Mike Kirby of GreenFolders. With the addition of YourDox on the GreenFolders platform, our users can improve customer service and security by providing their customers with convenient online access to their closing documents.
YourDox provides secure document delivery, file storage, and post closing marketing for title agents, so our integration with GreenFolders is a perfect fit” said Peter Johnson, Vice President of Sales and Marketing of Pioneer Technology Group. Now with a simple click through, title agents can provide all parties to the closing with document security and long term relationship benefits.”
Users of GreenFolders Version 3.4 or greater will have access to YourDox.
About Pioneer Technology Group
Pioneer Technology Group (PTG) is a leading developer of secure software solutions for title insurance, courthouses, governments, and private industry. PTG develops and supports official records (O.R.) systems, court systems, tax systems, and secure content management systems for private businesses. The company also provides a scanning services bureau for customers transitioning from paper to digital images through its subsidiary, Pioneer Records Management. For more information about the YourDox system, visit http://www.securetitlefiles.com
About GreenFolders
GreenFolders, Inc., a Utah corporation headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah, provides innovative electronic office management software solutions that help businesses reach their potential by becoming more efficient, using less paper, and collaborating more effectively. More information about GreenFolders and the GreenFolders office management system is available at http://www.GreenFolders.com
For Pioneer Technologies Peter Johnson- (800) 280-5281 pjohnson(at)ptghome(dot)com