Posts Tagged ‘Megamastermind’

Members of Megamastermind San Fernando Vallley Learned About 401k for Small Business from Self Directed Retirement Plan Expert

Thursday, October 16th, 2014

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) October 07, 2014

Dmitriy Fomichenko, president and founder of Sense Financial Services LLC, joined Pritam Sinha and other members of MegaMasterMind San Fernado Valley at their last meetings. Pritam Sinha, president of MegaMasterMind San Fernado Valley Chapter, has invited Dmitriy to give a presentation on 401k for small business and how it can help their group members to grow a successful retirement fund.

MegaMasterMind is an educational platform for real estate investor. All members gather once a month for a group meeting, where a guest speaker will give a presentation on a real estate investing topic. These educational meetings are crucial to help members learn from the best in the industry.

Joining the September meeting of Megamastermind San Fernando Vallley chapter, Dmitriy Fomichenko, president of Sense Financial Services LLC, introduced members to retirement planning solutions that can help real estate investors improve their retirement portfolio.

Members were introduced to ways to invest their retirement funds in real estate and grow their funds securely and effectively, using investment vehicles that they know best. Joining Megamastermind, members have been provided with all the tools and resources they need to successfully invest in real estate. However, many of them still have all their retirement funds invested in stocks and bonds instead. Dmitriy explained in his presentation that real estate investors can, and should invest in real estate or whichever assets they understand.

This is possible thanks to self directed feature of this 401k for small business. With this feature, account holders can take control of the retirement accounts without the need for a custodian. They will also be able to choose to invest in real estate, among a wide variety of investment options.

Sense Financial is California’s leading provider of retirement accounts with “Checkbook Control”: the Solo 401k and the Checkbook IRA. Over the years, they have assisted hundreds of clients obtain checkbook control over their retirement accounts while providing them with the ability to invest in virtually any investment class, including real estate, private lending, mortgage notes and much more without the need for custodian approval.

To learn more information about Solo 401(k) for self-employed real estate agents, please visit